
Posts Tagged ‘Brad Marchand’

Boston Bruins Still Killing It…to the Tune of $156,679

June 22, 2011 Leave a comment

I always dreamed of winning the Stanley Cup when I was a kid, and I didn’t even know about the partying that came along with Stanley.  Bruins had a decent night at the Foxwoods Casino I’d say.  $31,000…in just tips and taxes.  Brad Marchand and Tyler Seguin are everywhere. They haven’t stopped partying since they won the Cup.  Seguin is killing every bar in Boston as a 19 year-old. Teen pregnancy in Massachusetts is going up by like 30% at least this summer thanks to Seguin.  How do I get in the posse of this group? Every entourage needs a Turtle.

UPDATE: Seguin and Marchand still partying…