
Posts Tagged ‘Donovan McNabb’

Rex Grossman doing his best Jay Cutler impression

August 8, 2011 1 comment


Jesus Christ!!! Rex Grossman got effing FAT.  Didn’t Mike Shannahan bench McNabb last year because of his “conditioning level”.  Well…jokes on you because you traded a fat quarterback who was once good and are going to start a fat quarterback who has always sucked.  I think Rex is really just trying to show the Bears that he wants to be their QB by trying to get Jay Cutler’s body.


PS: All jokes aside, Jay Cutler is looking cut up this camp.  The guy obviously put work in this summer.  Nothing like getting in shape for a wedding/getting in shape because you just broke up with your girlfriend to get you ready for the season.  He looks like he is at about 2% body fat and ready to rock and roll in year two of the Martz system.



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