Home > Internet Sensation > So…#OccupyOakland has a little different feel than #OccupyChicago

So…#OccupyOakland has a little different feel than #OccupyChicago

So I went down to Occupy Chicago last week and interviewed some people…it was interesting to say the least.  I am a rule follower, that’s just the way I was built.  Needless to say I was shaking pretty much the entire time.  I kept waiting for the police to arrest me, gas me, or for a hipster to steal my wallet.  One thing I didn’t fear was getting shot.  Effing Occupy Oakland isn’t messing around.  I am not sure who shot who, but shootings are pretty much par for the course.  Just murders on the reg, drug deals on the reg, gang wars on the reg.  If someone told me that this was just a video of “Oakland” instead of “Occupy Oakland”, I wouldn’t have thought twice about it.

PS: Full disclosure, I kinda think all of these Occupy Movements are stupid.  Having said that, Occupy Oakland is by far the dumbest.  A) who the hell wants to be in Oakland? B) San Fransisco is like two minutes away isn’t?  San Fran would just eat that shit up.  Why wouldn’t these people go to OccupySF?

PPS: Hey bros yelling “medic”…are you serious?  This isn’t Normandy…its a hipster rally.  Don’t yell for a medic like you just got shot busting into Al-Qaeda’s Bin Laden hide out.

follow me @windycitisports

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