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Hello Mrs. Cutler

Football season can’t get here fast enough.  We have an entire season  of crowd shots of Kristin Cavallari to look forward to.  Win or lose, Chicago still wins.  I don’t know who Matthew Stafford or Aaron Rodgers is dating, but they aren’t as hot as Mrs Cutler. Bear down.

PS:  I got SOOO excited when I read the headlines about Kristin Cavallari’s “glass bikini”.  Glass implies see-through.  This was a total tease.  Not cool Kristin. You owe me one.  Paris Hilton style sex tape better get leaked within the year.

PPS:  How the hell did Cutler land Cavallari?  I know he is an NFL QB and everything, but Cutler doesn’t exactly look like Tom Brady.  If it was possible for an NFL QB to outkick his coverage, Cutler totally did it.

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  1. michaela
    July 19, 2011 at 6:01 pm

    cutler is totally fug. I dont know what she sees in him

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